December 2024


For the first time since having kids, we spent Thanksgiving away from Atlanta & had a touching Friendsgiving in Sebastopol, California. We frolicked through the vines & got stuck in the mud too - hence the skid marks on our pants.

Who would have thought that almost 20 years ago, I would be blessed to make a best friend in design school & that here we are today - married, with two wild sons each, starting a new generation of friendships. What could be more heartwarming than being surrounded by so much friendship, love, laughter, happiness & snacks. How lucky are we to find joy in hearts wherever we go - however far we wander from home. A special shoutout to the Andrew, Stephanie, Maverick & Lion for the cozy escape.

Speaking of home, this year was a special one indeed - it was the first time we took our boys to Lebanon, to start building a connection with their roots, their culture & their extended family. It did all of our hearts good to be home, living simply, with no hurry & in calm - even when our surroundings were not at peace. We pray for more of these days ahead for our family, for our country & its neighbors. So with so much meaning beyond what can be expressed, we raise a toast…

To all that was, & all that will be - cheers & peace for all!

Photos taken by Jana Contreras in Sebastopol, CA, on November 26, 2024